Emerging Opportunities in Health


The University of Notre Dame Community Health and Clinical Partnerships is launching a new Emerging Opportunities in Health funding program to support partnerships between the University of Notre Dame and community organizations. This program is designed to offer rapid grants to high priority projects of mutual benefit with a focus on Health and/or Health Education. While the pandemic has brought health issues into the forefront, it also has made external funding more readily available for projects focused on community health and health disparities. The success and sustainability of these programs requires true community partnerships and a deep understanding of the struggles and strengths of our community. With funds that would allow us to respond quickly and establish these imperative community partnerships, we seek to build the foundations necessary to make us competitive for large, longitudinal external funding opportunities.


Emerging Opportunities in Health is designed to offer rapid grants to high priority projects of mutual benefit with a focus on Health and/or Health Education between the University of Notre Dame and community organizations.

Proposal Criteria

Interested faculty, staff with their community partners applying for Emerging Opportunities in Health funding will be asked to write their proposal in clear, non-technical language for a general audience. Seed funding may be sought up to $15,000.

Proposals are required to include at least one community partner.

The application will provide a detailed description of the project, including the mutual benefit between the partners. Proposals will be reviewed monthly to encourage projects to get off the ground as quickly as possible.

We anticipate that many of these projects will provide the foundation for scaling such research at the state and national levels.

Each proposal must include the following items in the order listed:

1. Cover page with the following information:

i. Name of project and names of faculty, staff (including Department, Center and Institute affiliation);

a. Their contact information

ii. Names of community partners organizations

a. Names of members or personnel and their contact information.

2. Project proposal (4 pages maximum), including mutual benefit, equality and respect between the partners with both gaining value, for the University of Notre Dame and community partner.

3. Budget and budget justification.

4. Future opportunities for collaboration, including possible external funding sources.

5. Curriculum vitae or resume (two pages maximum) for each faculty and community member listed on the cover sheet.


All regular faculty and regular staff of the University of Notre Dame. Staff must have approval of their direct supervisor.

Review Process

A review committee will review proposals mid-month. The review panel is composed with representation from the community and faculty from the University of Notre Dame.

A scoring rubric will be used using an agreement scale where 1 = not at all and 5 = to a great extent.

● This proposal demonstrates a specific and actionable community need

● This proposal demonstrates a solid plan for community and campus communication and interaction throughout.

● This proposal demonstrates a mutually beneficial relationship between the University of Notre Dame and the community partner(s).

● This proposal demonstrates the opportunity for future collaborations.

● This proposal demonstrates the opportunity for external funding.

● This proposal should be funded through Emerging Opportunities.

● Strengths (open ended).

● Weaknesses (open ended).


Proposals are accepted anytime and will be reviewed mid-month by the review committee.

Acceptance Conditions

In accepting an Emerging Opportunities in Health award, the awardee agrees to complete a final evaluation and report on their project. In addition, we will work with campus and community partners to understand and learn from each project including impact derived from project, opportunities for scaling/expansion, and external funding possibilities.

Contact Information

Please contact us about the Emerging Opportunities in Health initiative at intprogs@nd.edu.


Applications to Emerging Opportunities in Health may include the following budget items:

● Time for Faculty, Staff, and Community Partners* 

● Student Research Support

● Research and Evaluation, including items such as data sets and surveys

● Technology

● Supplies and Facilitation, including meals

● Transportation

Faculty are encouraged to work with their pre-award manager to develop their budget and justification.

*This will be determined on a case-by-case basis as we intend that the majority of financial support go to project costs.

Download Budget Template


Apply here